Goldman: Lucas and Marsh race card hurts both Obama and Kaine

Earlier in the week, Jim wrote about Sen. Louise Lucas and her now famous remark that those who oppose the President are a bunch of racists. Jim said the good Senator was “attempt[ing] to silence conservatives into submission.” Quite possibly she was.

But in his latest email missive, former DPVA chairman Paul Goldman takes a different approach. He first reminds us that Lucas is hardly alone in her sentiments. Democratic Sen. Henry Marsh is also on the “all white people are racist” bandwagon:

“I agree with almost everything she said. I mean she’s talking from the heart,” said Senator Henry Marsh ( D-Richmond) . “I mean I’ve been in public office since 1966…race is a factor.”

“We just have to deal with it,” he added.

That set Goldman off:


Given their political constituency, it is easy for them to attack all whites as bigots, it will not hurt them in their own constituency. Moreover, they know it will sound good to their constituents who are strong Obama supporters.

BUT: They also know it will hurt other DEMS. That’s right, it HURTS the President, it hurts Tim Kaine, who have to run in different constituencies to get elected to the Presidency, the Senate, statewide next year for Governor. .

THAT’S RIGHT: It is a cynical, selfish, and self-serving game Senators Lucas and Marsh are playing. Big time!

Politicians playing self-serving games? Perish the thought.

But Paul’s also right. Lucas and Marsh are playing to the home crowd. They will not be punished at the ballot box for what they say. And the collateral damage it inflicts on other Democrats? It’s of no consequence. Statewide and national candidates come and go. A state Senator ensconced in a district protected by Voting Rights Act will endure.

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