Romney Set to Visit England, Poland and Israel

Mitt Romney is embarking on a substantial trip to Europe and Israel beginning July 26.  Romney will mix in a stop at the Olympics along with visitation with several heads of state including England, Ireland, Poland and Israel.  Here’s a brief review of Mitt Romney’s itinerary.

Governor Romney starts his trip on July 26 in England.  The Republican Presidential candidate will meet throughout the day with much of the leadership of the United Kingdom’s Parliament.  Including time with Prime Minister David Cameron, Foreign Secretary William Hague, former Prime Minister Tony Blair and others.

July 27-28. Mitt Romney will begin a series of events and meetings involving the Olympics.  He will meet with several U.S. Olympic team athletes and attend the opening ceremonies.  He will also have a meeting with Ireland’s Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Enda Kenny.

On Sunday, July 29, Mitt heads to a major visit to Israel.  He will deliver a public address at a time to be announced.  He will have a series of joint and individual meetings with Israeli leaders.  Including:  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Perez.  He will also have the opportunity to meet with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

Mitt Romney will wrap-up his trip with two days (July 30-31) in Poland.  Romney will tour several historic sites in the country.  He has meetings planned with several of Poland’s leaders.  Including:  Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski and President Bronislaw Komorowski.  He will also meet with former President Lech Walesa.

This trip will help showcase Mitt Romney’s foreign relation attributes as well as strengthen confidence with the Israelis.  His appearance at the 2012 Olympics will be a good connection with his leadership of turning around the 2002 winter Olympics in Salt Lake.

As a side note:  During Barack Obama’s term as President, he has not visited Israel, but did visit Palestine and other countries in the Middle East.  Obama last visited Israel as a Senator during his 2008 political campaign for the Presidency.  Obama recently stated he would visit Israel as President sometime during his second term.

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