Democrats think guns laws are the answer to Colorado shooting

Here we go again. Democrats, who throughout their careers have been trying to push fake solutions that never solve problems, are trying to do it again.

If you’re unemployed, the best answer they have for you is not a job – just an unemployment check.

If you’re poor, Democrats promise you welfare that never gets you out of poverty.

And if some loner academic decides to commit the unlawful act of murder on a mass scale, Democrats urge us to pass more laws.

As if he’d follow them.

That’s the idea of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who has been coddling criminals since she was on the Parole Board in California in the 1960s and been running for office ever since.

Feinstein – “I think — you know, we’ve got to sit down and really come to grips with what is sold to the average citizen in America.”

She means you!

“You don’t need it for self defense. Why do you need it? Why do we make it available?”

See, in Feinstein’s world, you have to justify to government that you need to arm yourself before she ALLOWS you to.

If you can stomach MSNBC for a few moments, you’ll hear liberals aplenty calling for more gun control, and even when they are asked if it will work, they sometimes are struck by a blast of honesty and say something like “at least we’ll be doing something.”

There in one sentence is the philosophy of liberalism.

Will gun control stop a shooting like this?

Never in a zillion years. Does anyone think that someone willing to boobytrap his apartment with 30 explosives is going to stop and say “darn, I can’t buy my guns legally. I guess I’ll just eat some popcorn.”

Liberals know gun control won’t work. Guess what! Most of them don’t really care if it will work. They just think you and I shouldn’t have guns, so any excuse to push for that is as good as any other.

Liberals know welfare doesn’t solve poverty. People like Sen. Feinstein have been championing welfare for over 40 years. People still poor? You betcha. Even more so.

Liberals don’t care. Liberals like it when you are poor and dependent and unarmed.


Just not in her re-election year.

“I think this is a bad time.”

Ever since you’ve been office, Senator.

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