Kaine advocates higher taxes at technology forum

While the eyes of most political observers were on the Supreme Court, a forum was held yesterday by the Northern Virginia Technology Council that featured U.S. Senate Candidates Tim Kaine and George Allen.

In the forum, Kaine, the former Democratic National Committee chairman, called for the raising of taxes on the Internet, small businesses, and social security.

According to the Washington Examiner:

Kaine called for a balance approached to cuts and new revenue, starting by letting the Bush-era tax cuts expire for the those earning more than $500,000 a year.

“When I look in the mirror, I want to be thinner, I never want to be weaker,” Kaine said. “An all-cuts approach makes us weaker.”

Kaine also felt the federal government could shore up Social Security coffers by raising the payroll tax cap above $110,000. He would also be open to a national sales tax of online purchases, calling the current system unfair to traditional brick-and-mortar retailers.

So, it seems Kaine has the same playbook he had in 2009 when he wanted to raise taxes more than any other governor in Virginia history.

Thankfully, his proposal failed then in the General Assembly 0-97.

When you take his latest tax plan, attach it to the more than $1 trillion Obama Health Care tax, which Kaine calls a “great achievement”, and couple it with his plan as governor to raise taxes more than any other governor in Virginia history, you get a pretty clear idea where Kaine stands on taxes.


In an apparent attempt to deflect from Kaine’s gaffes yesterday, Virginia Democrats went after technology entrepreneur and GOP leader, Pete Snyder.

There are reports to BD that Snyder had enough of Kaine’s tax policy proposals at yesterday’s forum, so he raised his hand to ask George Allen what he thought of Tim Kaine’s “news-making” embrace of at least three new federal tax increases.

Because of this, the libs and our friend and colleague, Lowell Feld at Blue Virginia, had a meltdown all over the Internet.

But instead of changing the subject from Tim Kaine’s horrible record on tax hikes and continued calls for more, Kaine and the Va Dems ACTUALLY doubled-down on the tax hike, whining some Republicans voted for it too!

How more tax hikes helps Kaine politically? Heaven knows. But Lowell and his band of merry tax-and-spend minions were the same folks piloting the Creigh Deeds sinking ship too.

Reached for comment, Snyder stated,

“As a conservative and an entrepreneur who built a thriving Virginia-based business off of the Internet, I firmly agree with George Allen – get Washington and Tim Kaine’s hands and taxes off the Internet.

I love that Tim Kaine and the Virginia Democrats want to have a prolonged debate about all of Tim Kaine’s tax hikes and proposed new ones. Especially in the wake of yesterday’s bombshell judgment from the Supreme Court that Tim Kaine’s favorite policy, Obamacare, is really the largest tax increase in US history, Virginia taxpayers have a crystal clear choice in the race for U.S. Senate.

In these hard economic times if they want to give more of their money to a larger, more intrusive Obama government in Washington they should vote for Tim Kaine. If they want to turn this economy and our country around and get moving again, if they want to create more jobs and keep more of their hard earned dollars for their family, Virginia taxpayers will vote for George Allen in droves.

The Tim Kaine and the liberals don’t know it yet, but yesterday they awoke a sleeping giant – the taxpayers of Virginia.”

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