Romney releases new ad ‘Jolt’ following Obama’s “private sector is doing fine” comment

Mitt Romney’s campaign wasted no time putting together an ad that amplifies upon the president’s press conference last week regarding the private sector “doing fine” in this economy.

The campaign wrote in a press release:

Last Friday, the unemployment rate rose to 8.2 percent and 300,000 more people joined the long-term unemployed. One week later, President Obama said the private sector is doing fine. Only a president that presides over forty months of unemployment over 8 percent would think that the last jobs report is “doing fine.”

In the ad, news reports about the true nature of our economy from ABC News, CNBC, MSNBC, CBS Moneywatch, and Bloomberg are contrasted with the president’s out of touch comment.

Leaders all across the United States reacted to the president’s comments, including Virginia’s Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader, who responded equally bluntly to the president, “Are you kidding?”

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