Romney’s May fundraising soars past Obama

Enough people are ready to replace President Barack Obama that they are shelling out donations in record amounts. This morning’s Talking Points Memo reported that the Romney campaign along with the Republican National Committee outraised Obama and the Democratic National Committee in May fundraising totals.

Romney and Republicans raised an impressive $76.8 million while Obama raised $60 million. For Romney, $12 million of that came from donations of less than $250. During the previous months in 2012, Democrats had raised significantly more funds (see chart) but Mitt Romney locking down the Republican nomination may have helped send more money his way.

What makes the May totals notable is that Obama spent fully one-third of his time attending big-money fundraisers including a big blowout at the Hollywood home of George Clooney. Since announcing his plans to seek reelection, he has attended 153 fundraisers, which, Politico reported, is “nearly double the number that his predecessor George W. Bush had attended by this point in his reelection campaign, according to CBS’s Mark Knoller, who put 43’s early June number at 79.”

Obama’s campaign has shown signs of desperation of late. Will being outpaced in the fundraising department spur them to throw out even more to see what will stick?

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