Dana Milbank. Tool.

Need a quick laugh? The GOP is on the verge of losing the Asian-American vote, according to Dana Milbank at the Washington Post.

Why? Well… because sex-selective abortions are OK in China…

…and well, Asians are, you know, all Chinese…

…so um…


I’m gonna let Dana Milbank explain his own position:

The problem with Franks’s proposal is that it’s not entirely clear there is a problem. Sex-selection abortion is a huge tragedy in parts of Asia, but to the extent it’s happening in this country, it’s mostly among Asian immigrants.

For Franks, who previously tried to pass legislation limiting abortions among African Americans and residents of the District of Columbia, it was the latest attempt to protect racial minorities from themselves.

Your jaw drop yet?  Don’t worry… more skin-crawling condescension ensues:

But in singling out minority groups to make his political points, Franks risks aggravating a long-term problem for the Republicans. According to primary exit polls, 90 percent of GOP voters this year have been white. It’s difficult in 2012 to win with such a statistic; over the coming decades, as minorities become the majority, it would relegate the party to irrelevance.

So Milbank is OK with sex-selective abortions?  Or only sex-selective abortions when Asian-Americans are concerned?  Or only with sex-selective abortions when it happens “over there” but not necessarily when it happens over here?

The mental gymnastics continue:

The debate on the House floor was brief but nasty. Rep. Christopher Smith (R-N.J.) warned of a contagion spreading from Asia. “Today the three most dangerous words in China and India are ‘It’s a girl,’?” he said. “We can’t let that happen here.”

Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) claimed that opponents were “positioning the United States as a safe haven for those who cannot legally acquire sex-selection abortion in their own home countries.”

Democratic Rep. Jim McDermott (Wash.) countered that the Republicans were setting up a straw man. “As I listen to this debate, I’m not sure if we’re talking about India or China,” he said.

Neither, Congressman. Just people who come from those places.

OK, OK — obviously we have a rather shoddy patchwork of argumentation here that implies three things: (1) Republicans hate just about everything, but women most of all, (2) Republicans hate minorities, and (3) Dana Milbank really, really hates to miss an opportunity to put two common liberal prejudices together and use them as a vise to pressure Republican politicians.

Yet the stereotypes employed by Milbank are rather shocking in and of themselves.  That sex-selective abortions are OK?  That insisting that in America such actions are not acceptable under any circumstances is somehow impinging upon “Asian-Americans” — because to Milbank, they must all come from China or India?

Worse than all of this is Milbank’s high-gloss acceptance for all things abortion on demand.

Rep. Chris Smith was 110% correct.  When the three most dangerous words in the English language are “it’s a girl” then something is tragically and horribly wrong.

PreNDA should pass with the consent of the House.  It won’t though… and that says more about the pro-abortion left than mainstream Americans should be comfortable knowing.

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