You stay classy, Sen. Lucas

Via the WaPo, we learn that Democratic Sen. Louise Lucas has a way with words:

Virginia state Sen. L Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth) has let the world in on her pet name for Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R): Governor VP.

“And that’s not vice president,” she said. “That’s vaginal probe.”

Lucas shared that tidbit Tuesday on a conference call with reporters organized by the Democratic National Committee. It was intended to highlight McDonnell’s trip to Wisconsin to help Republican Gov. Scott Walker in his recall battle — and to suggest that McDonnell and Walker (and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for that matter) want to “turn back the clock on women’s rights,” as the DNC put it. The call also featured U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore of Wisconsin.

Yes, ribaldry is alive and well within the Virginia political ecosystem.

But even the WaPo isn’t buying her schtick, pointing out that, contra Lucas, the much-discussed and protested ultrasound bill wasn’t Bob McDonnell’s bill and he actually amended the final version substantially from its original form:

So why had Lucas described the measure as McDonnell’s bill?

“These are the kinds of bills that Bob McDonnell has introduced since he was elected to the legislature since 1991,” she said. “There hasn’t been a year that he hasn’t introduced legislation that would roll back the hands of time.”

Except, apparently, this year. Who’s going back in time now?

Or the year before that, or the year before that, and so on.

However, it would appear that the good Senator has stumbled upon the secret of the backwards time machine. According to cartoons (which, unlike politicians, never lie), this wonder won’t be invented for several million years. Props to the pol from Portsmouth for going where only science fiction has dared to tread:

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