North Carolina teacher needs to go

This is what passes for “social studies” class in North Carolina.

Listen to this classroom teacher SCREAM at students to respect Obama while she bashes Mitt Romney.

This idiot tells everyone that they can criticize Mitt Romney because he’s a candidate, but they can’t criticize Obama “because he’s the President.”

I’d love to hear her class in 2008. I’m sure she had George W pictures on the wall, right? Is this North Carolina or North Korea?

The school system defended her at first, and they didn’t like the fact that a student recorded the class. Now, she’s been suspended with pay.

So, she gets to sit at home and still be paid while the school “investigates.” Listen to 10 minutes of this Constitutional scholar rant that people were arrested for criticizing Bush, that Miranda has been overturned, and somehow thinks that the Congressman who screamed “You Lie” said that to Bush????

And to quote from Obama’s book is, in this nutcase’s mind, disrespectful and slander. When the student says he can voice his opinion, the teacher screams “Not about him, you won’t!”

The first people to demand her ouster should be teachers, because their profession is seriously undermined if the bar is so low that it allows and celebrates this as exemplary teaching. A social studies teacher who can’t figure out the Bill of Rights? Seriously?

Teachers’ unions/associations? What do you think? Proud of this one?

This “investigation’ should take all of 10 minutes and one second.

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