On Armed Forces Day, take time to say “Thank you”

Earlier this month, Governor Bob McDonnell declared May to be “Military Appreciation Month”

Military Appreciation Month

WHEREAS, the rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, given by God and enumerated in our Declaration of Independence, secured by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and enjoyed by every citizen of the United States are a direct result of the blood that is shed and continued vigilance given by the members of the United States Armed Forces throughout the history of our great nation; and

WHEREAS, the sacrifices made by the members of the United States Armed Forces and the family members that support them have preserved the liberties that have enriched this nation and Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, since the birth of the nation, Virginians have had a proud history of service in the United States Armed Forces in both times of peace and times of war, expertly displayed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere around the world; and

WHEREAS, many Virginians continue to serve on active duty in the National Guard, in other reserve components of the Armed Forces or as civilian federal defense contractors employed at installations throughout the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, more than 830,000 veterans chose to make the Commonwealth of Virginia their home after their service; and

WHEREAS, the citizens of Virginia wish to recognize, honor, and show appreciation for all members of the United States Armed Forces, past and present, as well as their families, and to set aside the month of May to pay tribute to the sacrifices and service of the brave and dedicated men and women of our armed forces;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert F. McDonnell, do hereby recognize May 2012 as MILITARY APPRECIATION MONTH in our COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens.

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