The Roanoke Reversal

You can almost always count on a Roanoke Times editorial to be a hatchet thrown at Republicans. Today the Church Ladies had to undergo some masterful twists and turns to turn an editorial critical of President Obama into an attack on “the GOP faithful, conservative bloggers, and House Republicans.”

They take to task House Republicans for trying to get some truth out of Eric Holder about Fast and Furious. The ridiculous plan to supply illegally obtained guns to known drug and illicit gun dealers to be smuggled across our southern border to create an opportunity to later do the Captain Renault imitation and act shocked. Shocked that American firearms were being trafficked so.

House Republicans have tried to get some straight answers

Congressional Republicans have held extensive hearings, dragging them out as much for political gain as for assessing the truth. The administration has released thousands of pages of records to congressional investigators, but many more have been withheld. House Republicans now contemplate a contempt resolution against Attorney General Eric Holder.

Not until the seventh paragraph do they mention that stonewalling is actually going on. Not until it has caused a major media outlet to hit that stonewall.

The more serious stonewalling has taken place with the public itself, not in the House of Representatives. CBS reported this week that it has been conducting its own investigation into Fast and Furious.

It has not gotten far because the Obama administration refuses to share information that would enable the public to reach a fair conclusion about who, if anyone, erred.

The administration continues to drag its feet in answering multiple Freedom of Information Act requests filed by CBS.

Some remain open, some the administration has refused to fill, and the one that did turn up documents yielded mostly blank pages after the administration redacted useful information.

Meanwhile, officials refuse interview requests.

So, stonewalling and lying to Congress is not so serious? (Might want to ask Roger Clemens about that.) But holding out on CBS really gets the Church Ladies into a snit-fit.

Oh, but the ladies return quickly to attack the real villains, us. Claiming, “So far, Fast and Furious has simmered primarily with the GOP faithful, on conservative blogs and among House Republicans looking for anything to smear the president.” [emphasis added]

I’m almost always amused by the hysteria these ladies express, but what caught my eye today was the final sentence in their screed.

If the administration continues to conceal the facts from the American people and ignore legitimate media requests for documents, a scandal sequel could be in the offing. “2Fast, 2 Secret,” anyone?

It seems the Church Ladies think it’s OK to stonewall congress, ignore the GOP faithful and Conservative bloggers because their only goal is to smear the president. Not legitimate like the “American people” and the elite media. “Ignore us and we’re coming to get ya. Boo!”

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