GOP Senate Debate, Quick Thoughts

Candidate who helped himself the most today; E.W. Jackson. He proved to be a forceful speaker and on par with Bob Marshall at tossing out humorous, yet true statements. Seemed to be the crowd favorite. He’s not likely to win this time, but the man does have a serious shot at a future run for something. (Congressional District 3, maybe? Anybody?)

Bob Marshall was Bob Marshall. I love Bob. Bob does good stuff for Virginia. But sometimes he does that Bob Marshall imitation just way too well.

Likewise for Jamie Radtke. She was the only real attack dog George Allen had all day, but her attacks were often snarkey and sometimes sophomoric. Perhaps she’ll do better in Hampton Roads.

Candidate who hurt himself the most today; George Allen. But it wasn’t anything he said. He was solid, conservative, and true. He’s found himself in a no-win/no-win situation where he’s forced to legitimize the other three. He can’t refuse to debate/he can’t attack any of his opponents on the debate stage.

I’ll have more analysis on this later.

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