Poll finds Virginians pessimistic about Obama’s role on jobs and the economy

There’s plenty for Virginians to be proud of regarding our state economy. In the three years that Governor McDonnell has been on the 3rd Floor of the Patrick Henry Building, a series of successes have been made with the budget, taxes, and economic growth. Make no mistake, we are a “Commonwealth of Opportunity“.

But McDonnell has been facing an uphill battle because of the overwhelming failure of President Obama to follow through on his promises.

The Governor also has to the stem the tide of past policies, such as those by Governor Tim Kaine, who increased social spending at the expense of transportation and attempted to impose the largest tax increase in Virginia history; while at the same time facing a reckless federal government that has increased the national debt by $5 trillion over that same three year period and has yet to pass a budget during that time!

Is it any wonder, then, that Virginians are a bit skeptical on jobs and job creation nationwide?

A recent Purple Strategies poll of Virginia voters found that while much good is happening in the state, they remain skittish about what is happening across the country.

* 51 Percent Of Virginia Voters Think That New Jobs Being Created Are Worse Than The Jobs That Have Been Lost Throughout The Nation, While Just 28 Percent Think The New Jobs Being Created Are Better Than The Jobs That Have Been Lost. (Purple Poll, 1705 LV, MoE 2.4%, 4/19-4/23/12)

* 50 Percent Of Virginia Voters Think That Their Children’s Job And Salary Situation Will Be Worse Than Their Own, Compared To Just 24 Percent Who Think It Will Be Better. (Purple Poll, 1705 LV, MoE 2.4%, 4/19-4/23/12)

With all the good that has been done in the state, this is still a cause for concern. But the cause of that concern clearly rests with the president.

Virginians are inundated daily with national news of doom and gloom – not necessarily hearing the optimism that’s coming from Richmond.

And they’re right to be concerned.

“In 2008 the President ran on ‘hope and change,’ but in the past 3.5 years of President Obama we have only seen political gimmicks and failed promises,” said RNC Spokesperson Allie Brandenburger. “Virginians are tired of his failed policies and broken promises, and recent polling shows it will certainly be an uphill climb for the Obama campaign in Virginia.”

When Obama comes to visit Richmond May 5, he’ll paint a picture of all the good he’s done in Virginia and for the country. Perhaps even touting our success.

But Virginians know that we’ve accomplished all we have in spite of the president. And things won’t improve for the nation, until his economically stifling policies are replaced.

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