VA Victory 2012: A New Strategy in Social Media


At the 64th annual Shad Planking, VA Victory 2012 rolled out a new strategy to engage the Republican Party of Virginia in social media and emerging technology.

Their goal is to become the largest on-the-ground grassroots organization in the history of Virginia.

Given the organization and the temerity of Obama’s Virginia campaign in 2008, this is no small goal. But Pete Snyder is confident in his abilities, and the message, to make it happen.

Snyder gained success as an innovator in social media strategies, starting his own company in 1999 called New Media Strategies, and most recently advising NYSE corporation members on the advantages and usefulness of social media networks.

Though VA Victory is a new organization, they already have seven offices throughout Virginia–in Loudoun, Prince William, Fairfax, Virginia Beach, Henrico, Blacksburg, and Harrisonburg. In just over a month, they have already raised over $250,000, with much more expected as the Republican nominees for president and senate become evident and their statewide presence increases. They will engage in traditional social media outreach, such as text codes, Facebook and Twitter; but they will do so more effectively and efficiently by using Snyder’s marketing experience in this realm to identify and coalesce target groups. Additionally, they understand that concise and efficient messaging is essential to reaching voters in today’s political climate. While in-depth analyses and policy platforms will always be available to those who are interested, VA Victory will concentrate on reducing the message to social-media-friendly quips to a broader audience.

But perhaps the most exciting thing to be unveiled is the implementation of Quick Response (QR) codes on campaign advertising, including stickers, yard signs, t-shirts, and more. No longer will your bumper sticker be a tool for name recognition only. It will be interactive. Friends, family, or even strangers will be able to scan the campaign sign with their smartphone to donate and learn more about the candidate. Because the primaries are not yet finished, only a donation campaign has been released thus far. But as the general election campaign draws closer, VA Victory will expand their QR-coded material to include the Republican presidential candidates, US Senate candidates, and US House of Representatives candidates and distribute them throughout the commonwealth, reaching the expansive dens of media-socialites.

There are already in place numerous outreach programs to gain grass-roots supporters, including college campuses, minority communities, and among women–areas where 2008 efforts were grossly under-emphasized. While there may still be a stigma about the Republican party of only consisting of “old white males,” that shibboleth is quickly fading as the message of individual liberty and lean government is resonating with variegate demographics, and the dangers of individual mandates and bloated government become evident.

Expect to see these codes throughout Virginia. Expect to see VA Victory’s “smart” wares replace traditional campaign recognition items. While there are no plans presently to expand this marketing model to other states by the RNC, other states have already recognized the genius and potential of this idea and are interested in adopting it. But for right now, Snyder’s experience as a pollster and market researcher tells him that Virginia is the number one battleground state for the general election. So scan the image above.

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