Stewart calls for “fiscal reform in the commonwealth”

This is a picture of Corey Stewart, Chairman o...
Corey Stewart, Chairman of Prince William County. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As expected, Corey Stewart, Chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors, announced his candidacy to become the 40th Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

From his statement, Stewart said

“When I was elected Chairman our country soon experienced the worst recession in our lifetime. Prince William was especially hard hit. Instead of raising taxes we reduced regulation to help spur job creation, invested in infrastructure and public safety and cut $143 million from our budget. We set an example for fiscal conservative governance as the only Republican-led jurisdiction in Northern Virginia.”

“Prince William County is a model for how to implement good conservative principles. Taxes are down, crime is down, and growth is up. I am going to bring to the Office of Lieutenant Governor the same conservative principles that I have led Prince William County with over the past 6 years.”

“While the Virginia budget has grown by 15.5 Billion Dollars over the past 10 years, only 5% of the new revenue has been dedicated to transportation. We need to reprioritize transportation in the state budget. The life blood of any growing economy is infrastructure. If we do not find a solution now we are going to bring our economic growth across the Commonwealth to a halt. There is no more time to waste. In 2 years, the transportation construction fund goes broke and the highway maintenance fund goes broke not long after.”

“We do many things right in Virginia but we can and must do more. I intend to use the Lt. Governor’s position as a platform to push for much needed fiscal reform in the Commonwealth.”

Stewart also touts that Prince William County, home to 425,000 residents and second largest county in the commonwealth, has a AAA bond rating and “has consistently been ranked in the top 10 in the nation in job growth, and income levels have risen even during what has been the worst recession of our time.”

He has been a supervisor since 2006 and was reelected as chairman in 2011 with 58 percent of the vote.

He has been married for 17 years to Maria, and resides in Woodbridge with their two sons.

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