Coming from POLITICO moments ago:

Rick Santorum is expected to announce this afternoon that he is suspending his presidential campaign, three Republican sources confirm to POLITICO.

The former Pennsylvania senator’s withdrawal effectively ends the Republican presidential primary and cements Mitt Romney’s status as the presumptive GOP nominee.

One Santorum supporter said a “group of leaders” supportive of Santorum were convening a conference call at 3:15. Santorum is expected to participate.

Thus ends any chances for a challenge to former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s nomination for the Republican ticket.


UPDATE:  Meanwhile, Roanoke College is out with it’s latest poll — Allen by 7 over Kaine, and Romney by 5 over Obama:

Likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney has opened a six-point lead (46%-40%) over President Barack Obama in Virginia, according to The Roanoke College Poll. The two were statistically tied in the College’s February poll. Republican George Allen maintains an 8-point lead (44%-36%) on Democrat Tim Kaine in the likely November matchup for the U.S. Senate seat from Virginia. The margin is unchanged from last month. The Roanoke College Poll interviewed 603 Virginia residents between March 24 and April 5 and has a margin of error of +4%.  Screening for registered voters (N=537) reduces Allen’s lead to seven points (46%-39%) and Romney’s lead to five points (46%-41%).

I’m sure the Dems will find all sorts of problems with this narrative, but a small part of me is glad that Roanoke College did not back down on their methodology due to political criticism from the left.  Don’t blame the scoreboard, folks…

UPDATE x2:  Watch the Santorum speech live here.


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