Biden says energy policy is the best it’s ever been. Just pay no attention to how we’ve messed it all up

Vice president Joe Biden is happy to take ownership of the administration’s energy policies, calling them, in the video below “the best its ever been.”

He’s careful, though, to say that they have no control over the Arab Spring, the “saber-rattling” in Iran and elsewhere and other events that have, unquestionably, added to energy prices.

But, here, in graphic form, is a litany of items the administration cannot avoid taking responsibility for — all of which have contributed to rising energy prices, and for a much longer period, than the usual blow-ups abroad. And note the graph below showing how these policy changes (none dare call them gaffes) have tracked the rise in fuel prices:

Administration Oil Strategy Contributes to Price Increases

(H/T: Energy Tomorrow)

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