So How Much Are Kaine’s Gas Policies Costing You?

I did mine… a 2011 Hyundai Elantra that gets 40 mpg.  Well… not really… but that’s what the manufacturer tells me, anyhow.

Now I’ll be the first to admit that we can’t blame all of the price at the pump on the failed policies of Kaine and the DNC.  Yet the failure to pursue new sources of energy and unleash the potential of America’s energy reserves — coal, gas, oil, and other new technologies — and instead pursue green energy and other inefficient forms of energy production has certainly had it’s impact on the American economy.

Price to fill up my hypothetical gas tank in 2008?  $23.68.

Cost to fill up my gas tank today?  $49.54.

So go here and check out what you would have paid in 2008 vs 2012 and share in the comments below.

America shouldn’t have to pay for Obama and Kaine’s failed energy policies; a hidden gas tax on working families that is hamstringing an economic recovery that should be well underway if not for the meddling of liberal pols in Washington…

UPDATE: Redstate piles on

The George Allen campaign today has a fantastic, and depressing, new website out today that suggests a different grade. At, you can put in the make and model of your car, or the size of the tank, and you get a comparison between what it took to fill your tank in January of 2009 versus now. The results will blow your wallet up.

Gas prices have more than doubled in four years.  Scary thought — maybe gas prices really have kept pace with inflation, and we haven’t yet felt the real impact of the Federal Reserve’s printing press monetary policy just yet.

UPDATE x2: Brief mention from Newsmax.

Сейчас уже никто не берёт классический кредит, приходя в отделение банка. Это уже в далёком прошлом. Одним из главных достижений прогресса является возможность получать кредиты онлайн, что очень удобно и практично, а также выгодно кредиторам, так как теперь они могут ссудить деньги даже тем, у кого рядом нет филиала их организации, но есть интернет. - это один из сайтов, где заёмщики могут заполнить заявку на получение кредита или микрозайма онлайн. Посетите его и оцените удобство взаимодействия с банками и мфо через сеть.