Does Tim Kaine Have Even ONE New Idea on Gas Taxes?

It’s kinda hart to tell where Governor Abuser Fees really wants to be on gas taxes.  Obviously, Kaine wants to get elected to the U.S. Senate, but on the other hand, his Washington-based policies on energy from the Obama administration set him diametrically opposed to realities for Virginia’s economy — namely coal, drilling, and liberating Virginia’s energy reserves.

But the siren song of gasoline taxes cannot be appeased by such platitudes.  Kaine has chosen a topic to discuss that is so delicious to him (and every other liberal), even $4/gal gasoline can’t tear him away.

We’re talking, of course, about Tim Kaine’s massive 17.5 cent per gallon gas tax.  That’s right — ol’ Timmay wants to hike it (and yesterday).

So what are Kaine’s tangible options?  We don’t know… let’s play multiple guess and find out what Kaine’s options are:

A:  Raise the gas tax!
B:  Leave it alone!
C:  Wage ruthless war against cheap energy!

What’s Tim Kaine’s solution?  Why… take public statements in favor of all three!

Kaine speaks in favor of tax increase on top of Virginia’s current rate…

“Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) said Tuesday that he would consider backing an increase in Virginia’s 17.5 cent-a-gallon gasoline tax, despite the record price of fuel at the pump.”  (The Washington Post, 4/30/08)

…then he waffles…

“…that aspects of the gas price thing that makes (him) scratch [his] head…”  (Tim Kaine at Italian Delight Restaurant, South Boston, 3/3/2012)

…and quicker than a wriggling eyebrow, Kaine is magically opposed!

“Kaine thought that increasing the gas tax was the wrong way to go since cars are becoming more fuel-efficient.” (Roanoke Free Press, 2/28/12)

Is this guy learning from Barack Obama or what?

Let’s be brutally honest about this: Tim Kaine is (a) dead wrong on the gasoline tax (b) because it is a regressive fuels tax on working families in an economic environment that (c) need clear lines drawn on energy policy — not election season platitudes.

Abuser fees, gas taxes, breaking the back of coal, and opposing drilling off the Virginia coast.  Is there any position Tim Kaine can’t take on taxes?

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