Allen Files 27,000 Signatures (Without Breaking A Sweat)

Now that’s what I’m talking about:

“Susan and I are thankful for all the hard work of the more than 550 volunteers who collected petition signatures at grocery stores, neighborhoods, and campaign events and who spent time talking with family, friends and neighbors all throughout Virginia about our positive campaign to restore the promise of the American Dream and bring your voices to Washington,” said George Allen.

“I hear from families and businesses throughout Virginia who share our concerns about high unemployment and underemployment, rising gasoline prices and the burdensome regulations emanating from Washington that are increasing costs and making it harder to hire new employees. It’s heartening to see so much support for our positive pro-jobs growth plan of action to reinvigorate America’s entrepreneurial spirit, unleash our energy resources and rein in the over-reaching, over-spending federal government.”

This also means that Allen got the appropriate amount of signatures in Virginia’s 3rd District.

To put things in perspective, Allen got as many signatures as Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich combined.  

Tell me again why Virginia isn’t supporting George Allen?!

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