Obama says he’s a gas price failure

President Barack Obama says anyone who thinks we can get gas prices down to $2 per gallon is lying. It’s impossible, says he!

“The next time you hear some politician trotting out some three-point plan for $2 gas — you let them know we know better,” Obama told a supportive crowd.

“Tell them we’re tired of hearing phony election-year promises that never come about.”

This is mainly in response to Newt Gingrich’s plans to get gas down to $2.50 per gallon.

Here’s the funny part. When Obama became President, gas was $1.85!!!!!

Our President says that it’s silly to think that he can get gas prices down to what they were at the beginning of his term. Unbelievable! So much for “hope!”

Obama’s actually running on a platform that he more than doubled the price of gas and he wants it that way.

Obama’s energy plan is the Jimmy Carter plan of spreading scarcity. Everyone use less, and make do with the expensive prices.

Oh, and invest in alternative energy sources, because I just happen to have a solar-powered car with a wind turbine on the roof.

In fact, the Obama Administration released an artist’s rendition of the kinds of vehicles he would like to see more of on the roads and highways of America.

Obama- the Yabba Dabba Do-nothing President!

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