The Sun Also Rises

The sun came up this morning. No, I wasn’t surprised. It’s been that way all of my life, and way back before that. You could bet your farm that it’ll do it again tomorrow. It’s a safe bet, if the sun does not rise your farm ain’t going to be worth much to you anyway.

Today I find that a Democrat has changed her position. No, I’m not surprised by that either. It seems that former chairman of Arlington County Board of Supervisors was pretty adamant that the Senate finish their budget duties in 2004. From a press release dated March 22, 2004;

ARLINGTON, Va. — Barbara A. Favola, chairman of the Arlington County Board, and her counterparts from six Northern Virginia jurisdictions today urged Governor Mark Warner to continue his “Herculean efforts to forge a Virginia budget for the next biennium.”

In a letter, seven mayors and chairs stressed that “the General Assembly must adopt a budget before mid-April.” Local jurisdictions are in the midst of their own budgeting processes and rely on a State pass-through monies to fund K-12 public education, transportation, public safety and human services.

“It is critical for local leaders to know what that State transfer is before we adopt a budget and set a real-estate tax rate,” wrote the mayors and chairs.

Now it’s 2012, she’s a Senator herself, and she remains just as passionate about budget duties? Eh, not so much. She and her Democrat colleagues continue to refuse to vote on a budget. They did, however find the time to vote on a pay raise. She was all for that.

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