Santorum ineligible for as many as 18 delegates in Ohio

We all know that Great Falls, Virginia resident Rick Santorum wasn’t on the Virginia ballot, depriving himself of a shot at possibly taking at least some of the commonwealth’s delegates. News tonight is that, owing to his poor organization in Ohio, he’s got delegate problems there, too:

According to Ohio Republican Party rules, Santorum is ineligible to receive up to 18 of Ohio’s 66 delegates. It’s been known for some time that Santorum wasn’t eligible for nine delegates because he failed to register delegates in three of Ohio’s 16 congressional districts. But he also failed to file complete three-delegate slates in six other districts, including two in Southwest Ohio. For example, in the 8th District which is represented by U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, Santorum has two delegates on the March 6 ballot.

According to Chris Maloney, a spokesman for the state GOP, all presidential candidates were required to provide their slate of delegates to the office of the Ohio Secretary of State and the party. Santorum did not provide his list to the party, which got the list Friday from the secretary of state. It was then the party learned Santorum did not have a complete slate of delegates.

Organization matters. Santorum failed the early test in Virginia. Now he’s fumbled in Ohio, a state where he was polling very well.

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