Gun-banning Supreme Court Justice gets robbed at knifepoint

Sometimes, if you wait long enough, liberal’s idiocy shows itself to be self-evident.

Supreme Court Justice Steven Breyer voted to allow a handgun ban in Washington DC and, thanks in large part to George W. Bush appointees John Roberts and Sam Alito, Breyer’s position was defeated by a single vote.

Breyer not only believes that the Second Amendment doesn’t guarantee an individual right to bear arms, but he thinks that even the benefit of doing so doesn’t exist.

In his dissenting opinion, he wrote:

“they cannot prove either that handgun possession diminishes crime or that handgun bans are ineffective”

Breyer, his wife and two others were robbed in their vacation home by a man with a machete. Without a gun anywhere in their possession, Breyer had no choice but to be robbed.

Back to this distinguished liberal’s opinion about how guns can’t be relied on to defend yourself and your family.

“suppose that respondent’s amici are right when they say that householders’ possession of loaded handguns help to frighten away intruders. On that assumption, one must still ask whether that benefit is worth the potential death-related cost.”

Oh really? Wonder what he thinks now.

Truly, the irony is this story should reinforce not only the existence of a Supreme Being, but that he has a hell of a sense of humor!

See, if Justice Breyer had owned a weapon for defense, would he be cowering with his loved ones begging Mr. Machete for mercy and deference?

Think of it, Steven! Instead of citing dissertations about how you doubt whether self-defense is a noble goal while Mr. Machete robs you blind, you could’ve been this video:

“the District’s law has indeed had positive life-saving effects.”

Well, that much is true. Breyer’s Mr. Machete lived. In fact, he escaped. The esteemed Justice loses $1,000 but gets to fill out a police report.

Perhaps that is liberals’ goal in their opposition to citizen possession of guns – thieves survive.

“In my view, there simply is no untouchable constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to keep loaded handguns in the house”

And Mr. Machete was thrilled that you didn’t.

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