Romney better not forget Virginia

It was interesting to read in tonight’s “Red Read” from the Virginia Beach Republican Party the following:

“The Ron Paul 2012 Campaign is looking for volunteers! Stop by the local headquarters, 79## Shore Drive, Norfolk, or contact the Ron Paul Virginia Beach Coordinator, Mathew Cheatham, at 757-580-####.”

Now, this is typical campaign coordination info – nothing extreme.

Of course, there’s one point I’d like to make: Red Read is for the city of Virginia Beach. Yeah, you know, the biggest city in the commonwealth. Yet, there is no other campaign material.

Nothing from Romney.

I just cannot comprehend why the Romney campaign hasn’t bothered to campaign in Virginia yet.

This is just an observation by me that leaves me puzzled…especially when I already know anecdotally that a lot of people are staying home or casting non-votes in protest to the fact that Gingrich or Santorum are not on the ballot.

In other words, Romney better not overlook Virginia or take it completely for granted. After all, folks still need to be motivated for the general. Better to get them on board now.

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