Barack, be mine. Hearts – Tim

Leave it to the RPV to come up with another <3-filled tribute to bestest buds 4vr - T & B.

Of course, not to quibble, the producers left out the voice-over, which I will dutifully supply now:

“Their’s was a love that couldn’t be broken…two paths…destined to cross.

“Their paths intertwined, through bad times and worse: skyrocketing national debt, Democrat losses in 2009 and 2010, failed green energy policies, and, yet, Tim Kaine was always there with a liberal love that was unshakable for Barack Obama…

“But would that love be returned?

“Obama showered Kaine with gifts, including chairman of the Democratic National Committee…

“And Kaine gave back, calling ObamaCare the greatest achievement of any president…

“Yes, as the nation’s economy struggled, Tim and Barack’s love only grew stronger…failing together in 2012.

“Will their love last? Can we afford it to?”

Happy Valentine’s Day. Virginia is for Lovers. Also, thanks for visiting Virginia again Monday, Mr. President (and again w/o Mrs. Obama…hmm.)

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