Vote for Newt, win the argument. Vote for Romney, win the election.

Newt Gingrich’s constant whining about Romney outspending him and supposedly being dishonest about Newt’s record is getting downright annoying.

If Romney is beating Gingrich by barraging him with negative ads – GOOD FOR ROMNEY!  What, exactly, does Newt think Obama and the Democrats are going to do with their billion dollars of campaign cash?

This comes down to fundamentals:

QUESTION:  Given that the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as conservative is more than double the percentage who identify themselves as liberal, why do leftists win such a disproportionate number of elections and get such a disproportionate number of leftist policies enacted into law?

ANSWER:  Conservatives focus their energies on doing whatever it takes to win the argument.  Liberals focus their energies on doing whatever it takes to win elections and enact their policies – whether the majority of the American people agree with them or not.

So it comes down to this:  If we want to win the argument and lose another election, Gingrich is your man.  If we want to win the election, there is one – and only one – candidate who has proven that he knows how to do it, and that is Mitt Romney.

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to win.

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