Felt it here in Kents Store and it was a good one.  Had to be a 3.5 or so.

Anyone else feel it?

UPDATE:  Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, and Richmond are all checking in… the USGS will update just as soon as they can.

If you are in part of the declared emergency area and have not done so, call FEMA and have them inspect your home.  It costs nothing, it does not impact your insurance in any way, and most importantly you can protect your single most valuable asset — your home.

For just a taste as to how bad the damage is out in Fluvanna. Lots of chimneys have already been pulled down and repaired, but foundations are a bit more tricky.

UPDATE x2: USGS says… a 3.2 aftershock. Five months after the first major quake.

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