Putney’s tax hike set to get the ax

In other news unrelated to the State of the Union…

Del. Lacey Putney has proposed a bill that would increase the state’s sales tax from five to six percent, but would require voter approval in a referendum before it could take effect. The extra money would be used for transportation, public safety and such. And, naturally, it has the enthusiastic endorsement of such tax-philic media outlets as the Roanoke Times. The RT gushes:

Similar bills are filed and killed every year, and no one pays much attention. Putney’s bill, however, is causing folks to do a double-take. Putney carries substantial clout at the state Capitol as chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. As the chief sponsor of the state budget, he typically doesn’t have much time to file other bills.

When he does sign his name to legislation, it’s a signal that he believes the need is so urgent that it requires him to take a leadership role in finding a solution.

We can only hope that since this went to press, the editors have managed to compose themselves — and are prepared for the inevitable.

My sources tell me that Putney’s bill will get a fair hearing today in committee. And then be promptly killed.

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