Governor Abuser Fees Is An Idiot

Now I hate to be so critical of Timmay! so early in the morning, but this stuff really takes the freakin’ cake.

Kaine seems to have a bit of an issue with precedent.  Namely, if Virginia say — lays a natural gas pipeline once — that makes it easier for Virginia to do it again.

From Tim Kaine’s poorly written “blog” — I’ll spare you the errors and get to the meat baloney:

When it comes to uranium mining in Virginia, Allen says we should wait for a thorough review because “while jobs are important, so is public health and safety.” But when it comes to the Keystone pipeline, George Allen and his oil company allies are pushing for approval before a thorough review can be completed.

From Kaine: “George Allen said, if Virginia were considering a natural gas or oil pipeline through the Commonwealth we wouldn’t need to do any review or study it, wouldn’t need to review its effects on homeowners or communities because we’ve built other pipelines before. That’s a position that’s really ridiculous. The notion that we can just approve things, without study, that would affect homeowners and the local community is flat wrong.

A statement which, according to Governor Abuser Fees’ own blog post, is a blatant lie:

Allen: “Well there’s a big difference, in that there are pipelines, again, throughout Virginia, and throughout Nebraska, and throughout the planes plains, so that, the pipeline issue has been studied for three years.

The uranium mining issue, there’s been a moratorium in Virginia for years, and with a moratorium naturally there’s no studies, the National Academy of Sciences has just issued their report just last month, and we don’t have any regulations.

If this were an issue, I guarantee you, if there were an issue, gosh we’d put a natural gas pipeline, or should be put an oil pipeline through Virginia, it wouldn’t be worrying about gosh, lets let’s have a study, lets determine the danger of this, this is something that is already done, it is fairly routine.

Uranium mining is unprecedented in Virginia, and obviously radioactive waste is a much greater environmental concern than is oil, or natural gas.  Not that you’d want to have an oil spill, that’s harmful, but its it’s not highly radioactive, it’s why there is such high regulations, because of these potential dangers.

So they are not at all comparable, in that again, oil pipelines are throughout Virginia and throughout the country, uranium mining is an issue of first impression.  That That’s really science. The Academy of Sciences report came out late last year,

And so, I think Virginia’s taking the appropriate approach.  If Virginia were trying to hold up a gas pipeline, or oil pipeline, it simply wouldn’t happen, because we have them.

Now does that size up with “George Allen said, if Virginia were considering a natural gas or oil pipeline through the Commonwealth we wouldn’t need to do any review or study it” as characterized by Tim Kaine?

That’s a lie… and the Washington Post gobbled it up and didn’t think twice.

Politifact is silent.

The MSM just saw one more free shot to take against a Republican– and true to their nature, they took it.

The facts are, Virginia already has gas pipelines, so naturally you don’t need quite the same intensive study as if it was your first rodeo.  Consequently, uranium mining is a first… so that requires the sort of intensive study Allen said it would need.

These are facts that any job creator knows.  Kaine’s priorities, then as is now, are elsewhere.

Beyond that… someone’s public school education on the Kaine campaign failed them yesterday (planes and plains are two different things, folks).

Then again, Kaine would only be concerned about creating jobs and building pipelines if he could tack on an abuser fee to it.



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