Tim Kaine releases fundraising numbers for 4th quarter of 2011

Tim Kaine had a decent fundraising quarter, stating today that he raised $1.65 million and had $3.3 million cash on hand.

This means that Kaine, who had $2.5 million on hand last quarter has spent about half of what he raised in the 4th Quarter of 2011.

In contrast, George Allen raised just over $1 million in the last 3 months of 2011. He began 2012 with $2 million cash-on-hand.

This means that Allen, who had $1.8 million on hand last quarter has spent about the same as Kaine – $800k.

In other words, they’re basically both on the same pace, while Kaine still has Obama/Organizing for America and $5,000-a-plate dinners with his liberal friends in DC.

Both Allen and Kaine claims to have 12,000 individual donors apiece and Allen 9600.

Just in from the Allen campaign:

“Chairman Kaine has said himself that he is unabashed supporter of President Obama and, as expected, his support is clearly being rewarded. We expect to see National Democrats pour millions of dollars into Virginia in order to protect President Obama’s agenda of higher taxes and more government spending. Virginians aren’t looking for a Senator who will serve as a reliable vote for the Washington Democrats’ agenda. Virginians want a Senator who will bring their voices to Washington.”

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