Allen on Congress’ 1000th Day without passing a budget

George Allen released the following statement this morning on the dubious 1000-day anniversary of congress inability to pass a budget for the United States.

“Passing a budget is the most basic and fundamental responsibility of any business and legislative body, along with the Executive. Yet today marks 1,000 days since the U.S. Senate has met their responsibility. In that time Washington has added $4.1 trillion to the national debt, punted on nearly every effort to restrain spending and the U.S. economy has been downgraded for the first time in history. It has been over two and a half years since our nation had a budget. It is time for Washington to be held accountable.

“There is a way back to fiscal sanity in Washington and it starts with a comprehensive budget reform plan that includes a Balanced Budget Amendment with taxpayer protection, as well as presidential line-item veto authority. In addition, I have long advocated for what I call the Paycheck Penalty Act to withhold a Member of Congress’ pay if they fail to complete annual appropriations bills on time.

“Washington has demonstrated time and again that it is incapable of policing itself when it comes to spending our taxpayer dollars. Virginia families, businesses and our State all have to balance their budgets and live within our means; it’s time for Washington to do the same.”

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