Congressional redistricting plan ready to go to Senate floor

Congressional redistricting was an unsettled matter prior to last year’s election. The Virginia General Assembly had failed to come to an agreement on which plan to use – a plan where districts would generally remain the same (and which has the support of all the members of the congressional delegation) or a plan put forward by state Sen. Mamie Locke that would create two minority-majority districts (learn more about the proposed plans).

Yesterday, by a vote of 8-7 in the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee, Del. Rob Bell’s HB251 passed out of committee and now will go onto the Senate floor for ultimate passage and signature by the governor.

“It will likely be on first reading [today], so would pass out of Senate on Monday or Tuesday,” said Ibbie Hedrick, spokesperson for Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling. “They conformed [Sen. Jill] Vogel’s bill to Bell’s House Bill, so its exactly the same as what passed the House. It would go to the Governor after it passes the Senate.”

Bell’s plan easily passed the House of Delegates 74-21 on Jan. 13.

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