Saslaw: Gas Tax Hike Won’t Affect Your Gas Prices (Srsly!)

From the Department of Just Making Stuff Up, Dick Saslaw (D-Land of Make Believe):

Entering his 37th General Assembly, Saslaw spoke about the need to increase the state’s gas tax. The former owner of several area gas stations, Saslaw said this is one of the areas he has an expertise in. He said Virginia’s gas tax 17.5 cents is lower than neighboring West Virginia 33 cents and North Carolina 35 cents. Increasing the gas tax would not increase the price of gasoline, Saslaw said. He said increasing the gas tax would allow Virginia to fund various projects, including road construction, without having to dip into the general fund. Saslaw said for every dollar spent from the general fund, that’s 34 cents taken from public education.

Good catch by Andre Taylor over at the Clarendon Patch.

The scary part is that Democrats really believe this stuff… but don’t tell them that.  We may not get more insight into the inner machinations of the Democratic bleeding heart brain if we do…

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