Bolling Posts $1.1 Million Haul

From the press release:

Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling today announced that his gubernatorial campaign committee, Friends of Bill Bolling, received over $1,098,237 in contributions in 2011, including $555,538 during the most recent six month fundraising period.  In reports filed with the State Board of Elections, Bolling reported receiving a total of 1659 individual contributions in 2011, with 821 of those contributions occurring within the last six months.

Lieutenant Governor Bolling said, “I am extremely pleased by the financial support that more than a thousand donors provided to my campaign in 2011.  I am especially pleased by the ground swell of support I have received since my opponent announced his campaign for Governor on December 1st.  We raised more money during the last month of 2011 than we have during any similar fundraising period.”

Bolling will be squaring off against Cuccinelli for the 2013 gubernatorial nod for the Republican Party.

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