A 21 point lead for Romney in SC and taking the radio show on the road

If this Reuters poll, showing Mitt Romney with a 21 point lead in South Carolina, is to be believed, (there’s a case to be made that it’s something of an outlier based upon the moving average) then the question of who wins the GOP presidential nomination is just about answered.

Yes, I realize that most of the delegates won’t be chosen for some time yet. Of course, Mitt could implode like his father did in 1968. It’s even possible that the social conservative leadership claque that plumped for Rick Santorum might help make the race much more interesting. And Ron Paul could continue to play the role he seems born to: making Bill Kristol’s life a litany of pain.

Next week, I’ll be taking “The Score” radio show down to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference/CNN presidential debate in Charleston to see, and maybe even interview, the candidates first-hand.

And, with any luck, I just might get to see Buddy Roemer.

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