Obenshain promises votes in Privileges and Elections Committee

Perhaps no greater representation of Democratic arrogance existed in the last state Senate than from NoVA Democrat, Janet Howell, former Chairman of state Senate Privileges and Elections. Her infamy is that she didn’t allow votes in committee on bills because she said so, and she became a symbol of Democrat obstructionism.

Well, no more.

The leading voice against such practices was Mark Obenshain who eloquently spoke about Howell’s penchant for authoritarianism for one of our podcasts.

Tonight, sweet vindication: Obenshain is now chair of P&E.

Speaking of how he will handle the committee, Obenshain said:

“Under the Democrats, Privileges and Elections became a graveyard for a number of good bills, with some legislation never even receiving the full committee vote required by Senate Rules. As chairman, I will see to it that every bill before the committee gets an up or down vote.”

Marie Antoinette is gone. Let a new era of freedom begin.

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