Allen releases strong fundraising numbers again; Jackson collects signatures – for everyone but Allen

Republican candidate for U.S. Senate George Allen continues to show he is still the most formidable candidate in the GOP nomination fight, while his opponents scramble to get signatures to appear on the ballot.

Allen announced that he raised $1.1 million last quarter of 2011 bringing his annual fundraising to $4.5 million, however he only has $2 million cash-on-hand due to his effort to build an organization that matches Kaine’s (which is being subsidized by the Obama machine).

It is highly unlikely any of his Republican challengers will even come close to matching that kind of fundraising ability.

However, he still does have challengers and one of them is offering a magnanimous and unique way to collect petition signatures.

E.W. Jackson of Chesapeake is instituting the “Voter Choice Campaign” where he will be collecting signatures every Saturday around the state not only for his campaign, but also for anyone else who has announced their opposition to Allen in the primary.

Jackson is committed to giving Virginia voters a choice in the June primary, as opposed to what happened with the presidential candidates in December with their inability to meet the ballot requirements.

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