Tim ~hearts~ Nancy

In the “yeah, right” category – there’s this from Chairman Kaine last year:

“What Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats achieved over the past four years has fundamentally improved the quality of life for Americans across the country, and has restored the promise of the American Dream for millions of Americans and their families.” – Tim Kaine, 1/4/11

So, when’s Nancy coming to help you campaign in Virginia, Tim?

Regardless, in other Kaine news, congrats to Brandi Hoffline, Kaine’s press secretary, on fleeting up to be their Communications Director. She previously was with the DNC with Chairman Kaine when Republicans re-took the U.S. House in 2010 (that progressive era which included Cap-and-Trade and the passage of ObamaCare that Kaine is so proud of). And, welcome aboard to Lily Adams, who enjoyed getting beat up so badly with the Deeds for Governor campaign that she’s decided to come back to Virginia only after a brief respite on former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s failed re-election campaign.

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