A battle for the soul of the GOP

Is it really any surprise that the top three and virtually tied picks in the Iowa Caucuses are Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul?

These three candidates, rightly or not, are labeled as fiscal, social, and libertarian Republicans…and show the deep split that exists within America’s conservative party.

Now it will be up to New Hampshire (fiscal or libertarian), South Carolina (social) and Florida (all of the above) to help us with our vetting process.

Thank you for the winnowing, Iowa. We are now down to three. Let the debate begin for the Republican party’s soul.

The candidate that can bring the party together, will be the candidate who wins.

However, you’ve got to be impressed with the perseverance and determination of Rick Santorum. He has some questions to answer, but his performance and results are nothing short of impressive.

As for Jon Huntsman, I have a little advice – don’t publicly diss a state if you want to be president of all of them. Very unbecoming. Pack it up and head back to Utah.

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