Ward Armstrong plots his comeback

Even though Ward Armstrong was among the Democratic casualties in the November elections, he still might have the itch to run for office again. Statewide:

As for his political future, Armstrong said he has ruled out future runs for the General Assembly or Congress. He added that he will make a decision on running for governor, lieutenant governor or attorney general probably by the second quarter of 2012. Among the factors he is considering are the time it would take from his family and the possibility of instead expanding his law practice in Richmond so he can specialize in trial law, he said. He added that he would not move out of Henry County.

The entertainment value of an Armstrong statewide run is almost beyond reckoning. Pro-life, pro-gun, anti-cap and trade and Obama ambivalent, Ward’s entry into the 2013 sweepstakes would make the 2009 Democratic gubernatorial primary look as rowdy as an afternoon nap and the nasty 2006 Democratic Senate primary seem like the peace of the grave.

Run Ward, run…

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