Even RTD recognizes Tim Kaine and Demcorats argument on pre-K is false

I’ve said earlier on BD that pre-K funding under the McDonnell budget is actually going up, despite what Tim Kaine, Democrats, and some members of the press have been saying.

RTD took notice too:

“An even weirder critique comes from Tim Kaine, who complains that the governor’s budget cuts millions from early-childhood education. The McDonnell administration has found $82 million in savings by replacing inflated enrollment projections with actual enrollment figures, which are lower. Nevertheless, real spending on pre-K is going up — by $5 million — not down. Apparently, Kaine thinks the state should throw away money it doesn’t have to educate pupils who don’t exist. No wonder he wants to be a senator.”

Of course, Kaine, Democrats, and their partners in the liberal media wouldn’t want reality get in the way of good political fantasy.

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