Romney asks for Obama to play golf permanently

OK…from time to time we have to post something that has no advocacy, but is just funny.

I’ve been going through my past emails when I came across this Romney pitch entitled “Fore more years?”

Here’s the pitch:

“Since taking office, President Obama has repeatedly promised he would “not rest until every American who is able and ready and willing to work can find a job.” And 1,584 holes of golf later, the President has stayed true to this promise by staying busy on the links.

“This figure doesn’t bode well with the twenty-five million Americans who are currently unemployed, underemployed, or have stopped looking for work.”


I can tell you this for sure – the president has played about 1,584 more holes of golf than I have the past four years – and I love the game!

What’s more funny is the Romney camp at the end of the email asks for a donation of $18 – a dollar per hole in a round of golf. Nice.

The Romney email and pitch has absolutely nothing to do with public policy or the advancement of conservative principles, but it is a cute fundraising strategy.

That said, we’re also still only half-way to our fundraising goal of $7000. The last thing anyone at BD does is golf. We’re here everyday working for you to bring you the finest conservative information in the commonwealth.

If you like what you read, help us get to our end of the year goal with a generous donation today.

Hey…if it works for Romney, why not us?! Help BD deliver the best conservative content in the commonwealth today!

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