RTD: Common Sense Wins; Dems Lose Control of VA Senate

Hot off the presses from the Richmond Times-Dispatch:

A Richmond Circuit Court judge has ruled against state Senate Democrats, who filed suit last week to prevent Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling from casting the tiebreaking vote on the organization of the chamber deadlocked 20-20 between Democrats and Republicans.

Richmond Circuit Court Judge Beverly Snukals found that deciding on the matter and creating a deadlocked Senate would not be in the public interest.

Of course, the Senate Dems — being the class act they are — have accepted the ruling of the circuit court and are preparing to work with Republicans for the betterment of the Commonwealth:

“The question is still unanswered,” said Sen. A. Donald McEachin, D-Henrico, who filed the suit.

Um… maybe not…

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