Column: Allen sure to be a voice for Virginia

In my column today for the Daily Press, I talk about last week’s debate, George Allen, Tim Kaine, and Jim Webb…and health care.

Allen just released a video this week that is particularly hard-hitting on Kaine, but we wouldn’t be in this state if it weren’t for Webb.

The timing of this ad is notable. We’re nearing the second anniversary of the passage of the Senate version of ObamaCare — a critical step to enacting the legislation.

On December 23, 2009, 60 votes invoked “cloture” on the bill, closing debate and allowing it to be passed. 59 votes wouldn’t cut it.

That 60th vote was Sen. Jim Webb. Webb, who defeated Allen in 2006, and whose seat Kaine hopes to succeed, was the last Democratic hold-out.

“I have decided to vote in favor of moving forward on health care reform legislation,” Webb said, throwing caution to the wind. “I do so despite my disappointment with some sections of the bill, which I will continue to address in the future.”

Now there’s someone “born fighting” eh?

Read the rest of the column at the Daily Press.

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