GOP Advance: Eric Cantor & 7th District Committee dinner

 Thank you to Majority Leader Eric Cantor and 7th District Committee Chairman Linwood Cobb and Kristi Way for the invitation to join them again this year for dinner.  Special guests Susan and George Allen joined the Cantors at their table. It was fun to see so many familiar faces.
 Addressing the dinner guests, Leader Cantor thanked the grassroots leaders who help grow the Republican committees and work for candidates.
 Spotsylvania County Republican Committee Chairman Steve Thomas and his wife talked with George Allen.
 Judi Lynch
 Chesterfield County Republican Committee Chairman Donald Williams and his wife along with Mike Thomas.
Matt Wells and Davis Rennolds
 Donald Williams
 Lexy Rusnak, VA CR President, and 7th Congressional District Chairman Linwood Cobb
 Anna Lee and Lexy
 Fay Williamson, President, Virginia Federation of Republican Women
 Lee Talley
Republican Women … Marie Quinn, Kathy Terry, Anna Lee, Jane Ladd
David Skiles and 11th Congressional District Chair Becky Stoeckel

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
2 December 2011

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