Friday’s hospitality suites at the Republican Advance

Tonight’s RPV Welcome Reception will be sponsored by Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling in the Grand Ballroom West.

Later Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling will host “Bowling with Bolling” at the Homestead bowling alley from 9-11.

Also headlining will be former Governor George Allen’s “A-Team Huddle” in the Players Club from 9-11.

Others with hospitality suites tonight:

Room 900 – Virginia Conservative Victory Fund, hosted by Delegate Ben Cline
Room 906 – Virginia Senate Republican Caucus’ “Campaign Candy Land”
Room 1005 – Americans for Prosperity
Room 1006 – Dessert with Dave and Martha Foster
Room 1105 – Pat Mullins for Chairman
Room 1106 – Congressman Eric Cantor, U.S. House Majority Leader
Room 1200 – Delegate Rob Bell with “Camp Bell” — s’mores and more
Room 1400 – Senator Mark Obenshain
Room 1520 – Delegate Bob Marshall
Bowling Alley – Lieutenant Governor Bolling’s “Bowling with Bolling”
Players Pub – George and Susan Allen’s A-Team Huddle
Washington Library – Keith Fimian – Growth Opportunity and Prosperity Fund

The complete lineup for the weekend can be found at RPV’s website.  

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell
1 December 2011

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