Grover polished his own myth

An interesting anecdote to ponder, from a Financial Times piece on Grover Norquist:

In [Norquist’s] telling, some of the most powerful Republicans now bend to his will. In the midst of the deficit committee’s sensitive deliberations, Mr Norquist divulged an exchange with Jon Kyl, the Arizona senator. He is one of the Senate’s big barons who is not easily pushed around. But after he made a marginally ambiguous statement about taxes, Mr Norquist jumped on the phone. Recounting the conversation “in the tone of a teacher scolding a second-grader”, according to Politico, the Washington website, Mr Norquist pressed Mr Kyl on tax rates. “And then,” he said, “[Kyl] went down on the floor, and he gave a colloquy about how we’re against any tax increases of any sort. Boom!”

Pretty good self-promotion…even if there is a Zelig-like quality to it all.

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