Radtke wins third straight BD poll

Jamie Radtke, candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, has won her third straight Bearing Drift readers poll. While the poll is not scientific, it does gauge the popularity of a candidate and their ability to turn out voters online.

The latest poll did not include George Allen, but two previous versions did. In those previous polls, Radtke still managed to best him.

In this latest poll Radtke more than doubled her closest competitor, Earl Jackson, with 298 to 148 votes. Tim Donner garnered 120 votes.

Jackson’s polling numbers on BD have been steadily increasing. From 7 votes in March to 148 today. Donner’s votes declined precipitously to less than half of what he received in the last poll.

Radtke faces an uphill battle in the amount of Republicans who have endorsed Allen, his fundraising, and his actual polling numbers. But, one thing is for certain, Bearing Drift readers love her. And it looks like they are warming up to Jackson too.

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October Poll:

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June Poll:

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March Poll:

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