Villanueva – Working Hard and Leading

One of the less talked-about races in the area is the sole House of Delegates race in Virginia Beach.

Del. Ron Villanueva represents the 21st District in the heart of Virginia Beach. He was elected twice to City Council and beat back an extremely negative campaign by Bobby Mathieson to become Delegate.

Villanueva won by focusing on issues. He’s about to do so again.

He’s won over the Virginian-Pilot, who has endorsed him, the Chamber of Commerce, who endorsed him again this year as they did in 2007, and tons of other supporters. His opponent, a defense lawyer, has offered little more than attack advertising in mailboxes in a negative campaign funded by her uncle.

Del. Villanueva simply represents his district and gets legislation passed. He’s cosponsored legislation to help businesses create jobs. He’s supported energy solutions and transportation funding. He’s helped move forward on making VDOT more efficient and expedite proposals.

Of course, that makes him the only Delegate the Democrats wanted to challenge, right?

Villanueva is a businessman. He understands economic development. He understands what it means to make a payroll and balance a budget. He also understands local government, and that is an important asset in the General Assembly. He’s served his community in countless ways and has gotten a lot done in his first term as Delegate.

I’ve known Villanueva for many years. I spoke to some organizations and a certain newspaper when he ran for City Council in 2002. When they endorsed Villanueva’s opponents then, they’d ask me if I thought they got any wrong. I told them Villanueva. He won, earned all their support for re-election, and won that, too, with over 50% of the vote, even though it was a 10-person race.

Never underestimate Ron Villanueva. He’s represented Virginia Beach well in Richmond, he’s run an excellent campaign and I feel sorry for the Democrats who thought this was the district to challenge in.

Ok, I don’t feel THAT sorry…

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